Terms & conditions


In these Terms and Conditions the following terms shall have the following meanings:

"Agent" means estate and/or lettings agents (and in Scotland, solicitor agents), named and detailed in the Order Form; 
"Content" means any and all content and materials (including property details and any intellectual property rights of whatsoever nature) supplied or made available by, on behalf or instruction of the Member to Property Property Property, any Group Company or on the Website(s);
"Contract" or "Agreement" means a contract between Property Property Property and the Member governed by these Terms and Conditions and the Order Form;
"Developer" means the developer details of which are set out in the Order Form;
"Fees" means the amounts due to Property Property Property by the Member under the Contract and set out or calculated in accordance with the Order Form (or as varied from time to time in accordance with clause 4.9); 
"Force Majeure Event" means an event outside reasonable control
"Group" means any holding company or companies and any subsidiary undertaking(s) of Property Property Property from time to time and "Group Company" and "Group Companies" means any one or more of such companies;
"Initial Term" is the initial term set out, if any in the Order Form;
"Lead" can come by way of telephone call, email or direct message to the agent from a client who contacted the agent using details supplied by the website
"Logo" means the Property Property Property logo or any other logo as Property Property Property or any Group Company may from time to time provide electronically to the Member;
"Marketing Materials" means the marketing materials provided to the Member by Property Property Property or any Group Company for the purpose of promoting the Services;
"Member" is the same as agent, including any developers using the site;
"Order Form" means the order form (as amended from time to time by a Services Amendment Form or as otherwise agreed from time to time by the parties in writing) indicating the Services to be provided;
"Services" means the services to be provided by Property Property Property (or its Group Companies) as set out in the Order Form and which may include any individual service, or a blend, of the following:

  • The uploading of property details (to including images) to the Website(s);
  • Showing the Agents/Member's properties to view on the Website(s);
  • Providing the Agent/Member with a listing for their company/service on the Website(s);
  • To provide details of Leads to the Agent/Member;
  • To provide the services of advertising to the Agent/member;
  • To make available access to reporting tools to the Agent/Member.

"Services Amendment Form" means the services amendment form signed by the Member indicating an amendment to the type or level of Services as set out in the Order Form;
"Start Date" the commencement date of the Contract can be specified in the Order Form but is not limited to the date on the order form if another date is agreed;
"Unique User" is a unique and particular visitor to the Website(s);
"Upload Systems" means any system made available by Property Property Property to the Member to facilitate the supply of Content to the Website(s);
"Website(s)" meaning the website which is located at www. propertypropertyproperty.co.uk and any other website whose domain is owned or controlled or powered by Property Property Property or any Group Company as Property Property Property may determine and via which Services are provided.
"Working Day" means any day other than Saturday and Sunday and Bank Holidays on which the banks in England are open for normal business; 


Contract between Property Property Property and the Member

  • 1.1. No Contract shall subsist until (a) unless waived by Property Property Property, an Order Form completed and signed by the Member is received by Property Property Property (or a Group Company) and until (b) the later of the Start Date (if any) and Property Property Property (or any Group Company) commencing provision of Services (whether by facilitating display of Content on the Website(s) or otherwise) whereupon Property Property Property and the Member shall be deemed to have entered into a legally binding Contract on the Terms and Conditions set out herein.
  • 1.2. The Contract shall be between Property Property Property and the Agent/Member and shall comprise of the Order Form and these Terms and Conditions which shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties to the exclusion of all previous terms and conditions (whether between the Member and Property Property Property or the Member and another Group Company) and all other terms and conditions (including any which the Agent/Member asserts to apply under any other document). If there is a conflict between the order form and these Terms and Conditions, the Terms and Conditions should be considered the prevailing agreement.
  • 1.3. All Contracts between Property Property Property (or any Group Company) and a Member shall be governed by these Terms and Conditions and any variation to these Terms and Conditions shall have no effect unless expressly agreed in writing and signed by Property Property Property. From time to time, Property Property Property are within their rights to amend the Terms and Conditions and Property Property Property reserves the right to do so in its complete discretion, acting plausibly, at any time without prior notice to the Agent/Member. Any changes will be posted on the Website(s) and become effective at the time of posting.
  1. 2.  Services
  • 2.1. Subject to these Terms and Conditions, Property Property Property (or any Group Company as Property Property Property may determine) will provide the Member with the Services in accordance with the Order Form.
  • 2.2. Property Property Property may vary the Services from time to time with or without notice to the Member.
  1. 3.  Content and Obligations
  • 3.1. The Agent/Member confirms and represents that:
  • 3.1.1. it is an Agent or Developer as reasonably determined by Property Property Property and that it does not act as a consumer in relation to the Contract.
  • 3.1.2. The website content provided by the Agent/Member or its acting party will comply with all applicable laws, the regulations and codes of practice in force the UK. This content will not be considered defamatory nor will the content infringe on any copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights or rights of any third party whatsoever;
  • 3.1.3. It is considered accountable for the integrity of the Content which is accurate to the best of the Agents/Member's information and belief. The Agent/Member shall promptly remove, update or correct Content on becoming aware of any errors or inaccuracies and shall provide such assistance as Property Property Property shall reasonably require to identify and remedy any unauthorised use of Content;
  • 3.1.4. within no more than 3 Working Days of a sale or leasing contract being entered into in respect of a property, the Member will either alter the status of the property details in the upload provided to Property Property Property so that it may be displayed as "sold" or 'let' on the Website(s) or will remove the property from the upload provided to Property Property Property so that it is no longer displayed on the Website(s);
  • 3.1.5. The agent/member must confirm it has the authority to market the properties in the Content. This confirmation is accepted upon upload of the content to the website (s) and should be checked by the Agent/Member;
  • 3.1.6. it holds all necessary authorities, consents and licences necessary to use, display, reproduce, publish the Content and has authority to and grants Property Property Property (and its Group Companies) a licence of the Content;
  • 3.1.7. it has read and will abide by all notices posted on the Website(s) from time to time that are relevant to the provision of the Services;
  • 3.1.8. it shall not use Property Property Property 's name, the name of any Group Company or any Logos, trade or services marks of  Property Property Property or the Group in a defamatory or derogatory manner or in any way that might bring Property Property Property, the Group or its directors or employees into disrepute nor shall the Member misuse or deface (or allow to be misused )
  • 3.1.9. Agents/members confirm they will act in accordance with and uphold any applicable industry code of conduct/guidelines which can be set out by any relevant trade organisation and will act in accordance with applicable laws and regulations applying to or affecting Agents/Members including, but not limited to, The Property Misdescriptions Act 1991; and
  • 3.1.10. The agent will provide a contactable telephone number. Where a trackable telephone number has been allocated to the Member by Property Property Property, the Member will use this number to enable Property Property Property to effectively monitor Leads delivered to the Member and take no actions that would interfere with such monitoring, and the Member agrees that Property Property Property and its suppliers may record all telephone calls for the purposes of monitoring Leads delivered or replaying Leads to Members;
  • 3.1.11. Agents/Members will make sure that only its authorised personnel will have access to the Services provided by the website.
  • 3.2. The Member grants Property Property Property and the Group a non-exclusive, royalty free, perpetual licence to copy, reproduce, display, sell, publish, adapt and otherwise use the Content or data or other information resulting for any purpose they would like (this includes to enter into contracts with third parties for the provision of the Content or data obtained therefrom). This licence shall survive termination of the Contract. The Agent/Member will agree that  Property Property Property and any Group Company may, but will not be required to, confirm the identity of the Agent/Member as the source of the Content on the Website(s) or in any other medium through which the Content or any derivative thereof is published or displayed.
  • 3.3. Property Property Property may:
  • 3.3.1. with its own complete discretion, at any time and without notice to the Agent/Member, remove or decline to display any Content on the Website(s); and
  • 3.3.2. without prejudice to  Property Property Property right as set out in 3.3.1 above, require the Content to be amended at any time if  Property Property Property considers or has reason to believe that the Member is in breach of the Contract or where it deems in its complete discretion the Content provided by the agent/member or on behalf of the agent/member is of poor quality
  • 3.4. The Agent/Member acknowledges and confirms to agree that:
  • 3.4.1. neither Property Property Property nor any Group Company shall be under any obligation to monitor or censor the Content that appears on the Website(s) but Property Property Property reserves the right for itself and any company given express permission to do so;
  • 3.4.2. neither Property Property Property nor any Group Company is responsible for any error or omissions in any Content;
  • 3.4.3. technological breakdown may obstruct the provision of the Services or prevent access to all or any part of the Content displayed on the Website(s) or to the Upload Systems. Property Property Property makes no representation or warranty that the Website(s), the Content or the Upload Systems will be accessible or available at all times, or that the whole or any part of the Website(s), the Content or Upload Systems will be free from error and while Property Property Property will make reasonable endeavours to notify the Member in advance, it may suspend temporarily or alter the operation of the Website(s) or the Upload System for legal or technical reasons without notice to the Member;
  • 3.4.4. it will be accountable for and will accept all charges for all telecommunications and internet access charges incurred by it when using the Website(s);
  • 3.4.5. transmission of data over the internet can be subject to delays and errors and can cause corruption of data for which neither Property Property Property nor any Group Company shall be responsible;
  • 3.4.6. Property Property Property may limit (i) the number of properties that may be displayed to 100 per branch (in the case of an Agent) or 100 per development (in the case of a Developer)
  • 3.4.7. where the Services are limited in any way the Member will make no attempt to exceed such limits;
  • 3.4.8. in providing the Services, and in order to provide information of other Property Property Property products and services, Property Property Property and the Group Companies may, unless otherwise agreed in writing by Property Property Property and the Member, contact the Member by electronic means, including e-mail and other electronic media and the Member shall maintain a valid working e-mail address for each of its branch offices and shall instantly inform the Company of any change of e-mail addresses;
  • 3.4.10. it shall for the duration of the Contract, take reasonable steps to promote the Website(s) to its customers and display any Marketing Materials provided by Property Property Property at its premises, For the purpose of carrying out these obligations only, Property Property Property grants the Member a non-exclusive licence for the duration of the Contract to use, display and copy the Logo, the Property Property Property name and any trade or services marks used by Property Property Property or the Group and copyright (or other intellectual property rights) contained in the Marketing Material; and
  • 3.4.11. all intellectual property rights in the Services, technology supporting the Services (including the Upload System) and the Website(s) vest in Property Property Property and/or its licensors/partners and that the Member has no rights in, or to, such intellectual property other than the right to use in accordance with the Contract.
  • 3.5. Any third party, purporting to act as agent for or on behalf of a prospective Agent/Member, contracting with Property Property Property for the provision for Services warrants and represents that it has the full and valid authority of that prospective Member to bind it for all Fees and any other charges due hereunder.
  • 3.6. The Member shall not publish, disclose, reproduce or create any derivative works from any information obtained pursuant to the Member's use of the Services unless expressly agree in writing b Property Property Property y.
  • 3.7. The Member shall promptly notify Property Property Property if there is any increase or decrease in the number of branch offices operated by the Member.
  1. 4.  Fees
  • 4.1. Free until an agreed time made with the member and Property Property Property limited or its Groups
  •  £65 (plus VAT and any other taxes or duties thereon) and any other charges due hereunder shall be paid by the Member in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
  • 4.2. (Property Property Property or any Group Company as Property Property Property may determine) shall invoice the Member monthly in advance (or in arrears for Services provided either on a "one-off basis") on or around the First day of each month and the invoice will be due 14 calendar days after the invoice date. The Member shall pay the Fees to Property Property Property by direct debit (or by such other method as may be agreed in writing by Property Property Property) on the due date to such account as Property Property Property may from time to time advise and where payment is to be made by direct debit the Member hereby authorises Property Property Property (or an instructed Company on behalf of Property property Property) to collect the payment on the due date.
  • 4.3. If the Member fails to pay any amount due to Property Property Property (or any Group Company) by the due date for payment then:
  • 4.3.1. Property Property Property on behalf of itself and the Group reserves the right to charge interest on any outstanding amounts at the rate of 4% per annum above BARCLAYS Bank Plc's base lending rate;
  • 4.3.2. without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to Property Property Property,
  • Property Property Property shall be entitled to terminate the Contract or suspend provision of the Services and remove any content or stop access to the Content submitted to the Website(s) without notice to the Member and until payment of all outstanding Fees is made in full.
  • 4.4. Property Property Property reserves the right to charge the Member its reasonable administration costs in dealing with any failed payments and/or its costs in relation to pursuing outstanding amounts (including legal fees and expenses).
  • 4.5 Property Property Property reserves the right to require the Member to pay a deposit before making the Services available to the Member. If a deposit is required, it shall be repaid by Property Property Property to the Member on termination of the Contract, subject to Property Property Property being permitted to offset any amounts due from the Member under the Contract against any such deposit repayment.
  • 4.6. Property Property Property reserves the right to charge a monthly administration fee of £5 plus VAT on any account where payments are not made by direct debit.
  • 4.7. Property Property Property reserves the right to charge Members an administration fee of £100 plus VAT per branch (in the case of an Agent) or £100 plus VAT per development (in the case of a Developer) if having terminated one Contract with Property Property Property they wish to enter into another Contract with Property Property Property or the Group within 12 months of the termination.
  • 4.8. Property Property Property does not guarantee the quality or quantity of Leads it provides to its Members. No refunds or credits will be given by f Property Property Property or failure to provide a certain number of Leads.
  • 4.9. Without prejudice to the generality of clause 1.3, Property Property Property reserves the right to vary its Fees and any structure of charges in place from time to time subject to providing 30 calendar days written notice to the Member. Any services provided after changes have taken effect will be subject to the relevant new Fees and/or new charging structure.
  1. 5.  Liability
  • 5.1. All warranties, conditions, representations or other terms implied by statute or common law in relation to the Website(s) and any services provided to the Member by Property Property Property (or any Group Companies) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  • 5.2. Neither Property Property Property nor any of its Companies shall be liable to the Member under or in connection with the Contract for any loss of business, contracts, profits, anticipated profits, savings or data, or for damage to any hardware and/or software, or for any indirect, unusual or substantial loss or damage whatsoever.
  • 5.3. Except as provided in Clause 5.4, the total liability of Property Property Property and the Group to the Member for loss or damage under or in connection with the Contract (including any liability for negligence on the part of itself, its directors, employees, agents or assigns) shall not exceed £100.00.
  • 5.4. Nothing in the Contract shall exclude or limit liability for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of Property Property Property or the Group or for fraud or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by law.
  • 5.5. Neither Property Property Property nor any Group Company shall be liable for any liability caused by the Member's breach of the Contract;
  • 5.6. The Member accepts full liability for and shall indemnify Property Property Property (and the Group) on demand against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal and other professional fees) incurred by Property Property Property (and the Group) in relation to any third party claim arising from the Content or misuse by the Member of the Services except to the extent that the foregoing results directly from the negligence of Property Property Property (or any Group Company).
  • 5.7. The Member agrees that this Clause 5 is fair and reasonable.
  1. 6.  Confidentiality

Property Property Property and the Member agree to keep any and all Confidential Information that is obtained about the other strictly confidential. "Confidential Information" means any information which is not in the public domain. This clause shall survive termination of the Contract.

  1. 7.  Termination and effect of termination
  • 7.1. Each Contract shall continue until terminated in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
  • 7.2. Property Property Property or the Member shall be entitled to terminate the Contract at will:
  • 7.2.1. where no Initial Term is specified in the Order Form, and subject to clause 7.7, on at least 14 calendar days written notice, to the other party such notice to expire at the end of a calendar month;
  • 7.2.2. where an Initial Term is specified in the Order Form, on at least 14 calendar days written notice (to expire at the end of a calendar month falling not before the expiry of the Initial Term).
  • 7.3. Either party may terminate the Contract immediately upon written notice to the other party if the other party
  • 7.3.1. is thought to commit any material or unrelenting breach of the Contract and, or
  • 7.3.2. ceases to carry on its business or shall have an administrative receiver (or similarly posted appointment) appointed .
  • 7.3.3. if the other party involved is effected by a Force Majeure Event that carries on for longer than one month.
  • 7.4. Without limiting any other rights contained in these Terms and Conditions, Property Property Property (or any Group Companies on its behalf) may immediately, suspend provision of the Services or access to or temporarily remove any Content from the Website(s) (or cause any of those things to occur) if the Member breaches this Contract and fails to rectify that breach immediately upon receipt of notice requiring rectification.
  • 7.5. On termination of the Contract for whatever reason:
  • all Fees and any other sums due from the Member to Property Property Property (or any Group Companies) shall immediately become payable and the Member shall immediately pay Property Property Property such sums in full;
  • the licences referred to in clause 3.4.10 shall immediately terminate; and
  • the Member shall immediately cease using the Services and permanently delete any access passwords for the Services or the Upload Systems.
  • 7.6. Termination or suspension shall not affect the accrued rights or liabilities of  Property Property Property, or any Group Companies or the Member nor, in the case of termination, any provision of the Contract which is expressed as surviving the Contract or which is required to survive the Contract to give effect thereto.
  • 7.7. Where the Contract provides on either the Order Form or the Services Amendment Form for the provision of additional, premium or add on Services which are stated as being subject to a minimum order period or term (other than the Initial Term), the Member may not terminate the Contract until the expiration of such minimum order period.
  1. 8.  Force majeure

Neither (Property Property Property or any Group Companies) nor the Agents/Member shall be liable for any delay or non-performance under the Contract caused by a Force Majeure Event provided that the party affected gives timely notice in writing to the other party.

  1. 9.  General
  • 9.1. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to create an exclusive arrangement between the Member and Property Property Property (or any Group Companies ) nor any agency, partnership or joint venture between the parties.
  • 9.2. Property Property Property and the Member shall comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 in relation to use of personal data obtained from users of the Website(s) and shall take appropriate technical, organisational and security measures to prevent loss or unauthorised access or use of personal data.
  • 9.3. The Member may not assign, transfer or dispose of the benefit or burden of the Contract without the prior written consent of Property Property Property.
  • 9.4. If any stipulation in the Contract shall be held to be unlawful, invalid, unacceptable or unenforceable the legality, soundness and enforceability of the remainder of the Contract shall not be affected.
  • 9.5. The Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and Property Property Property and the Member submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.